MacCPIO by Vince Paragano © 1994, Vince Paragano ------------------------- INTRO ----- MacCPIO v0.2 is my first submission to Info-Mac ever. I've been learning Mac programming in my spare time because I have always loved the machine and was never lucky enough to do so at school or at work. Any way, here goes... OVERVIEW -------- MacCPIO is a quick and dirty CPIO archive creator utility. The intent was to write a program for the Mac with a Mac "look and feel" that would generate a CPIO archive which could then be uncompacted on a Unix machine. The inspiration behind this was things like SunTAR and the fact that I wanted to do this at work for archiving lots of Mac source code in a Unix format. Mostly however, I must confess that it seemed like a nifty little project to use as a learning example in Mac programming. MacCPIO archives are made by adding one one file at a time chosen from the standard Mac "Open File" dialog box. As it's selected, each file is both added to the growing CPIO archive and added to a scrolling list of files. The main window's title always shows the current archive's name and size. Before any files can be added, a new CPIO archive must be created. Once all files have been added, the archive is closed. All three of the above choices are selected from the program's only menu, File. LIMITATIONS ----------- I admit it's cumbersome adding files (one at a time) to the archive right now but I haven't had time for a custom dialog box. Also, it would be nice to add an entire folder to the archive and have all the files/sub-folders in the folder come along for the ride for free - maybe some day in future releases. Of course, Drag and Drop would also be great! Currently, MacCPIO also handles up to 128 files in the archive. This is just a hard-coded limitation on my part for now. It can be lifted/raised if this utility is useful. AUTHOR ------ Please feel free to contact me with ideas for improvement or sample code to do some of the enhancements mentioned. If there is interest, I can also post the source code to MacCPIO. I can be reached at: Vince Paragano (609) 734-2580